From the mystical depths of yoga are secretive teachings of “Tantiram”––the roots to yoga and tantra.
These teachings were held within the intimate circle, primarily to be shared only with those who are spiritually mature and are able to handle the vast potent energies of the awakening Mother Kundalini. However, from today’s perspective of where the word and name “yoga” came from, as in the form of exercise and practice reaching global awareness, it is necessary to understand yoga and the practice from the perspective of the Siddhar sages.
1. Yogic practice enables us to meditate all day.
Our daily discipline of yoga is to find the total union with source, with each moment as in supreme peace. The harmony within as the calm center, at all times is the yogic attainment with little practice as the first steps. In other words, we do yoga to attain a state of perpetual meditation.
2. Yoga is tantra––the union of the human with source through the sacredness of the ‘orgasm.’
All Hatha yoga is tantra. Tantra means union of source with our human. Tantra comes from the wordtantiram, which is the ancient wisdom of the realized to magnify human realities of highest purpose—to realize the orgasmic joys of being on every level of human reality that represents all the seven chakras. Each layer of reality,starting from the roots of sensuality to the leaves of active doing, has a state of joy growing from the limited to the unlimited. When we are in this ‘flow’ we are blessed by an inspired life and its abundant reality.
3. Yoga is the realization of source in all things––“Tat Vam Asi”––meaning: “That Thou Art.”
However, to understand Tat Vam Asi as in actual experience, as a yogi, we need to understand ourselves containing all facets of the infinite and the finite represented by the five elements.
The yogi connects to each of the five elements to be one. Within this mystical wisdom is the practice of ‘tumor’–– the ability to generate heat from within and be beyond the limits of heat and cold. The practice of integrating with the five elements allows a yogi to be the master of the now as in terms of the natural settings.
The five elements are:
1. Earth—our body2.Water/fluidity—our mind3. Fire—our intelligence and the intelligence of life4. Air—our breath/air and the wisdom of life force, prana5. The eternal source, space, void—to awaken to being dance within the void is to be Lord Siva, theSpirit.
Through our daily yoga, when we find union with Source through the five elements, we realize the oneness as the experience of being the All.
4. Yoga is the celebration of our body as a sacred shrine and the genius of the mind that enshrines our spirit.
Yoga naturally induces health. A healthy body enhances the mind to focus on higher ideals as in devotion and union with Source. However, our daily practice of yoga is beyond just health and well-being. Connecting the mind to Source awakens the genius within ourselves—the amazing unique potentcy each of us are gifted with from birth. By connecting the body to Source, we awaken to the rejuvenating the youthful energies.
5. Within each yoga posture is a treasured facet of empowerment.
Each posture of yoga has a specific enhancement in our external realities. For instance, the warrior posture helps better focus of thoughts; downward dog posture enhances mindfulness. To surrender the mind, the past and thoughts into the calm harmony of the center, by way of breath and stillness, awakens the underlying energy within each posture. To rest in the absolute state of harmony within each posture is to attain the tranquility of breath, “sthira.” Yoga is much like shooting to the stars and then coming back home to the ocean of tranquility through each posture.
6. To do yoga is to be on the path of liberation.
The mind is conditioned by the past, or the momentum of karmic imprints that limits us and beliefs that impede us from realizing that we are Source. To realize the One within ourselves that is in harmony, love, peace, happiness, bliss and oneness, is to be God/Source. The objective of yoga is to climb above the mind and thoughts to the state of being the Spirit—directly experiencing Source as the loud sacred silence. When we awaken to realize ourselves as the Spirit, beyond the mind and the chatter of thoughts, we appreciate Source as in all the pathways of religion and yet, we are not confined by the limitations. A yogi is a prophet directly experiencing Source.
7. A yogi is disciplined for a good reason.
When we experience the intense joys of yoga as in the bliss, the expansiveness, the sense of freedom and all the health and harmony benefits, we set a discipline to have this joy every day. When we do yoga every day, we choose to break the confine of 24 hours within which we experience the days and nights, and the ups and downs of our mind and instead. Instead yoga awakens us to step into the higher conscious state of “turiya“—the sleepless sleep—the super mind that enables us to accomplish far more than normally possible.
In being disciplined, a yogi sets himself/herself free.
8. Yoga is in riding breath as rivers of consciousness.
“Ha” and “Tha” as in Hatha yoga means, riding the rivers of breath.
On a subtle experience of the journey within, the yogis ride on the currents of the moon breath (left nostril) and the sun breath (right nostril). The breath of the sun and the moon has two different energies. The sun breath is much like fire with increased awareness and faster metabolism. When we are in the intense moments of prayers or doing inspired work, we are breathing from the right nostril unconsciously. The moon breath is rejuvenative, inward propelling and relaxing. When in deep sleep or fatigued, we normally are breath through our left nostril. The yogi understands and consciously utilizes the moon breath and sun breath, depending on the posture, alternating both the rivers of energy to create harmony.
9. Yoga is attainment of fulfillment in life—the Yogam
“Yogam” is used today colloquially in Tamil as to describe being lucky in all respects. To do yoga is to be lucky and favored in all aspects of love. From health, love, career—to the spiritual journey—yoga is an effective tool. When a yogi faces a crisis in life, often, the higher conscious perspective enables him/her to look at the crisis as an opportunity. “Yogam” means the wholeness. Finding wholeness in ourselves from the inner joys that are not really dependent on the external realities, we are able to be create a life of wholeness that is complete in all its goodness.