Siddhars (from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhar) (Tamil: சித்தர்): are saints in India, mostly of the Saivaite
denomination in Tamil Nadu, who professed and practiced an unorthodox type of
Sadhana, or spiritual practice, to attain liberation. Yogic powers called
Siddhis are acquired by constant practice of certain yogic disciplines. Those
who acquire these Siddhis are called Siddhas. These Siddhars can be compared to
Mystics of the western civilization. Siddhars are people who are believed to
control and transcend the barriers of time and space by meditation (Yoga) and
herbs that transform the body to make it potentially deathless, and a
particular breathing-practice, a type of Pranayama. Through their practices
they are believed to have reached stages of insight which enabled them to tune
into the powers hidden in various material substances and practices, useful for
suffering and ignorant mankind. Typically Siddhars were saints, doctors, alchemists
and mystics all at once. They wrote their findings, in the form of poems in
Tamil language, on palm leaves which are collected and stored in what are known
today as Palm leaf manuscript, today still owned by private families in Tamil
Nadu and handed down through the generations, as well as public institutions
such as Universities all over the world.
from Nandhi's perspective:
After years of inner journeying, meeting and absorbing
the Siddhar wisdom, being consumed in the Siddhar mantras while living the life
of the Siddhar, it is inspiring to write about the "Siddhars" from
this experience.
The term Siddhar has always drawn intrigue, curiosity, interest
and respect in India. The little known aspect about them other than from their
divine poetry and literature has always created mystery while revealing the
secrets of this yogic path to those who are spiritually mature seekers. In Tamilnadu and as in rest of India, it is
common for an enlightened being to be called a Siddha or a Siddhar. When
Gautama Buddha was born, the astrologers identified his star of birth to be
powerful in all aspects, as a higher being- so he was named Siddhartha- the one
who is a Siddhar. Siddhartha later left his home to seek ‘nirvana’, the
attainment of liberation of the mind, to then be called Gautama Buddha.
Siddhars are Sages who journey beyond enlightenment as
the 'liberated' yogis. In this journey within consciousness, the Siddhars
abandon beliefs for experience. Connecting to the ancient lineage of Gurus who
pave way for guidance, protection and grace, their's is a process of 'unlearning'. The inner journey of the Siddhars
is based on tapas (to light the fire within of perpetual Source
union). The Siddhars follow the path of oneness that embodies ahimsa (ahimsa is the life message of Mahatma Gandhi. Ahimsa means-
non-violence, non-killing, tolerance and love for not only all of humanity but
for all creatures as well). For the Siddhars, external knowledge especially from
a book is hardly relevant as much of their knowing, practice and teachings is based on self-knowledge, the wisdom from within. With depth of silence,
meditation and mantra japa (recitation of mantras) as tapas, the Siddhars
examine the human realities from cosmic consciousness. Those who chose the path
of the Siddhars are often not from the Brahmin caste (priests, the upper hierarchy
of the Indian society) and the Brahmins who take to the path of the Siddhars
often renounce their caste as a Brahmin to be able to tread this ego free wisdom.
The Siddhar tradition is devoid of castes, traditions, beliefs and written
teachings. Instead, the ancient wisdom was conveyed through resonance, the
mantra deeksha (initiation) and the guru's grace- with much of evolving
transformation happening from one's own effort- tapas (inner fire) and sadhana
(daily discipline). For a Siddhar Sage, divinity is in form and formlessness,
with the worship centered more towards a simple fire lamp as a symbolic focus
of their own inner lamp. Siddhars prefer to call God, Source as to free wisdom
from stagnancy of dogma. The South Indian Siddhar's teachings of Tantiram are
the roots to the term 'tantra', where the awakened roots of the human as in the
mode of survival, sexual and primal needs unite with cosmic consciousness to
transcend a normal human into an angelic yogi. Siddhars worship the Divine
Feminine as the essence to wholeness.
from the practical sense:-
In the pathway of the Siddhars, as we journey through
consciousness, we realize our mind being empowered by the extra abilities such
as envisioning the future, seeing the past of another person, reading the
thoughts of others etc. Due to the absence of ego, the Siddhar Sages do not succumb
to these extra powers of the mind and the super-normal abilities that awaken
with the mind connecting with Source/God. However, the Siddhars, realizing their
vastness of being Spirit/Source in their ability to transcend the mind and the
limits of the mind, bring this blessing to benefit humanity. The Siddhars bless
humanity by way of deepening their tapas and flowing as the guiding wisdom to all who
meditate, as Guru Ayya did while he meditated in his cave for over 18 years. There are other
Siddhars who are in humanity as healers, scientists, visionaries and other
professions who utilize the states of higher consciousness to effect changes in
real terms. Some of the notable nature of the Siddhars are- absence of ego,
total love for God/Source as bhakti (devotion), lack of organization and
followers around them. To a Siddhar Sage living in the midst of humanity with a life of purpose and focus, multidimensional talents as genius are brought to fore. The path of the Siddhars is attuned, aligned and suited to the current modern day society as it is a
journey to seek being whole due to understanding the power of now and the colossal
vastness of the human as in basic nature of goodness.
Listen/more info: Cave of the Siddhars, the debut album of Turiya Nada
Listen/more info: Cave of the Siddhars, the debut album of Turiya Nada