Friday, January 31, 2014

Mastery of Consciousness 14 day intensive with Nandhi: Feb 14- 28

Mahasivaratri – Mastery of Consciousness 14 day intensive with Nandhi: Starts February 14 10am; Ends March 1st 10am

Starts Feb 14 2013 Friday 10am; Ends March 1st Saturday 10am
Join Nandhi on one of the most powerful time vortex of the year- Mahasivratri. Each day will be a journey within utilizing the teachings of Mastery of Consciousness through yoga (Kalangi Kundalini Yoga); Siddhar puja; 5 elements worship etc. Those completing the entire 14 days retreat will be certified Mastery of Consciousness Teachers.
Programs. (Ariven Temple space is limited.)
Option 1: All 14 days – Feb 14 – March 1: Staying in the Ariven Temple.
Option 2: All 14 days – Feb 14 – March 1: 9 AM each morning until 9 PM every day until Mahasivratri Day Feb 28th All night immersion. Outside Temple Accommodation (we can help arrange a hotel nearby)
Option 3: Sat, Feb 22 – March 1: Last 7 days- Staying in the Ariven Temple.
Option 4: Sat, Feb 22 - March 1: Last 7 days- 9 AM each morning until 9 PM every day until Mahasivratri Day Feb 28th All night immersion. Outside Temple Accommodation (we can help arrange a hotel nearby)
Option 5: Attend single day(choose to attend any day/days you want): 9am – 9pm: Open to ALL
(Please email us for the cost. Mention which option you might be interested in-
(Message for everyone around the world wanting to celebrate the Mahasivratri inner
pilgrimage. Please go to –

Mastery of Consciousness Course utilizes the wisdom of the mystical yogis as tools of enhancement:

Kalangi Kundalini Yoga, Yoga of the Achievers- utilizing simple posture sequences to journey within consciousness through breath, bandhas and yogic techniques.
About Kalangi Kundalini Yoga
More about Kalangi Kundalini Yoga Sensitive Planet
Siddhar Yagna/Havan (Fire ceremony)- Fire represents collective consciousness of humanity and the angelic world. Utilizing the ancient pre-vedic wisdom of invoking the Divine and creating the harmony in our realities, the sacred fire ceremony is a powerful inner journey of burning away karmic limitations and empowering consciousness. For thousands of years, the sacred wisdom of the Siddhar yagna was utilized by the Sages to go beyond thresholds of magnified intent and Divine alignment. Learn the art of creating your own Siddhar yagna and enhance Planet Earth’s consciousness!
Siddhar Puja (Empowering Puja)- A ‘Siddhar puja’ is an intense worship of the Divine with an alert mind. A Siddhar puja creates a 24/7 meditative mind. When we awaken to understand and feel the the Divine love (bhakti), we are gifted wisdom (nyana). As we grow in consciousness/wisdom, the more proximate to Source we are as in Divine love. A Siddhar puja utilizes an awake and alert mind of focus to invoke,celebrated and worship Source.
Deeper teachings of the Siddhars to utilize the Sun, the Five elements, the prana and infinite potential powers within ourselves- allowing the transforming grace of ‘yoga’ to flow through the our mind, body and realities. When we relate to whom we are as we seek Oneness, we realize we are Earth, Water/Fluidity, Fire, Air/Prana, and Infinite Space that contains the Sun and the Moon. Aligning and worshiping the Divine through the Five Elements, we allow Divine grace to not only awaken us as with grace flow transforming the mind, but also every other facet in our lives- including our body.
Practical teachings & insights to enhance our wellbeing, career, finding love, creating the Now and all fulfillment that inspires us to evolve & be transformed. Learn the power and usage on ancient symbols. Understand the principles of manifestation. Utilize the Siddhar wisdom for enhancing all good for humanity and your own realities!
Kalangi Kundalini Yoga (Yoga of the Achiever); Siddhar Puja/Yagna and awareness of breath enable the momentum to evolve and grow further each day. The day journey through consciousness never stops- it flows- tapping into the grace of rejuvenation of the mind and body.
A yogi is disciplined and each day, a yogi follows a practice to enhance consciousness through uniting with Source. This discipline is possible only because there is much joy, bliss and liberation in the activity. The journey through consciousness and its mastery can be done solely through understanding the essence of joy and happiness in uniting with Source so the limited individual limits dissolve to be One with the vastness and grace.
Who can attend?
  1. This workshop/training/retreat does not require prior yoga experience- though highly recommended especially for yoga teachers.
  2. Basic level of fitness is required for the Kalangi Kundalini Yoga section.If you can do the Sun Salutation sequence, you are fit enough.
More About this Retreat:
  1. In depth teachings of Kalangi Kundalini Yoga, the mystical dimensions within hatha yoga.
  2. Teachings to build, invoke and journey through the Yagna (fire ritual) while empowering humanity and ourself through the Siddhar yagna (fire ritual).
  3. Bringing the vastness of whom we truly our into prayers to magnify the blessings of Presence invoked through the Siddhar Puja.
  4. Utilizing the Siddhar Wisdom to heal ourselves and others, to be in the Inner Fire vortex at all times, to manifest physical realities etc.
  5. This “Retreat” is about burning several layers of our past; awakening our ancient re-connect with our lineage of Siddhar Gurus; awakening the Inner Fires; learning the journey through Mother Kundalini; utilizing the various tools to enhance the potency of our Inner Fire and especially- creating an abundant and inspired reality aligned to the vastness of whom we are.
Methods of Teachings:
Nandhi teachings are experiential- conveyed through stories, through the process of inner journeying and through the actual yogic process. Such teachings are to enable our own Self-Mastery.
What you can expect from attending this Retreat:
  1. Our path of learning is through the experience of joy. So it will be fun and a deep learning that you will set discipline to attain daily!
  2. You will walk out understanding yourself to be a Master.
  3. Be liberated and set forth grand realities of your highest purpose.
Contact us-

Thursday, January 30, 2014

5 Reasons To Observe Mahashivratri

Mahasivratri, the epic Inner Journey to be Consciousness & its Mastery

Mahasivratri: Full Moon that begins our yogi journey- Feb 3rdh. The 2 weeks leads to Feb 17th, 2015, Mahasivratri. 

For a yogi, Mahasivratri is the “Day/Night of Yoga”, the time to transcend, transform and evolve. Mahasivratri has been observed as the single most important vortex of time by the yogis and householders in India for thousands of years. Based on the planetary alignment with earth and the lunar cycle, this vortex of time holds the objectives of yoga as in being the Spirit having the human experience; as in being ‘liberated’ from the limits of the mind and as in having the grace of Source in our daily realities. 

Reasons to celebrate Mahasivratri:

State of Turiya, the super-conscious states of an enlightened yogi:
There are many versions of stories behind Mahasivratri. One of the popular version of the stories behind Mahasivratri is-
A thief was running away into the forest. As he goes deeper in the forest its evening and soon it gets dark. The thief was frightened of the wild animals. So he climbs up a tree with great difficulty.
This thief had done huge dharma in his past lives. This good fortune of the past brought forth a miracle. The tree that the thief chose to c,limb up and spend the night happened to be the Vilva. The Vilva leaves are considered to be a special and sacred heart offerings for Lord Siva. Unknown to the thief, just below tree was a Siva Lingam (Lord Siva represented as a in the form of infinity- the Lingam).

Through the night, the thief was afraid to fall down. The thief stayed up all night long and each time he moved, the leaves of Vilva kept falling down accidently. Leaf by leaf through the night they fell over the Lord Siva Lingam that was below.

Through the night, slowly the fear, fright and ignorance started burning away as the thief sat perched on the branches with his thoughts recollecting all the past deeds. With feelings of repentance, the thief felt the need to surrender this past. Through the sleepless moments of the night, the thief slowly woke up to understand himself as the Spirit having the human experience. By dawn, the thief was on the thresholds of enlightenment as he saw the Lingam below. It takes a being of higher consciousness to understand and realize the power of Infinity in the Lingam- and the thief recognized the Lingam for the Source it represented as in form. Climbing down the tree,  he did he worshiped the Lingam, not as a thief any more for his old nature was forever erased. He had become a yogi, an enlightened being who began celebrating consciousness by way of the Siva Linga worship. 

In India, millions of ordinary people- householders and yogis stay up through the night chanting and signing to Lord Siva. Most householders however are 'weekend warriors' - they simply jump into the Mahasivratri celebrations without any preparations. Through the night they try staying up chanting- and fighting sleep through this timelessly long night as a struggle. They miss the essence of Mahasivratri that celebrates the ‘staying up all night’ event.

Observance of Mahasivratri is a supreme yogic discipline.  The process to descend and alight with Mahasivratri is actually a yogic process of attaining the state of turiya through this period. Turiya is higher consciousness and its attainment changes the way we think forever. 

The state of turiya is called the sleepless sleep- a realm beyond the mind that is of intense joy and bliss. The state of turiya is also attained by each of us when we are in totality of focus, inspiration, excitement and happiness while doing something that we enjoy- when we do not feel tired, hungry, hot or cold or sleepy.
For a yogi, it is an inner journey to attain the supreme objective of yoga- to be Lord Siva, the Yogi.
Lord Siva is our awake soul, the Spirit that is mentioned in the bible as the Holy Ghost. By observing Mahasivratri and attaining the state of of blissful union with Lord Siva, through the night of Mahasivratri, the state of turiya awakens as the experience beyond limits of the mind, the mind always is aware of each breath- to be the yogi.

Consciousness is awakened by attainment of state of turiya, even if it was just for that one night and for all of our life time we are blessed by the empowerment of ourselves through the state of a yogic mind- the state of turiya.
Be the Yogi.
Celebrate Mahasivratri even by default, is worth it :)
Celebrate Mahasivratri as a Yogi, and Be.

The wisdom of ancient spiritual India works in potency through the determined time vortexes:

All scientists of the past in India were yogis. The yogis were intuitive and scientific in looking at time as a very important facet of divinity as much as infinity, matter and energy is looked upon as representing Source/God. For thousands of years, the Mahasivratri observed on the lunar calendar has been determined by the yogis as the  single most important period to attain enlightenment, grace of fulfillment as blessings and a time of renewal. It is a common obervance amongst yogis who do intense spiritual penance, tapas, to be in solitude through the whole year and come out to the public on the Mahasivratri night to bless humanity as in being the human form of Lord Siva. Any religious festival, from Christmas to Ramadan that is observed by millions does create a time vortex by itself by the power of collective consciousness. Mahasivratri is celebrated as in fasting andd worship by the largest mass of humanity together creating adding grace to the already potent time vortex. 

Mahasivratri period is ideal to detox and rejuvenate:

When we want to attain the yogic union of the mind with Source/God/Lord Siva, fasting aids the process. When our digestive tract is kept with minimum activity with a mind that has tuned into the state of joy that forgets hunger, heat and cold and other limits of the body and mind, we are able to step into the grace of stillness to meditate and tune into the state of turiya. 
The fasting of Mahasivratri is not the way 'fasting' is generally done. This 'fasting' is done in stages. The first step is in having fruits, fruit juices, plenty of water and nuts. The yogi then awaken the intense states of joy to gradually reduce the intake of fruits and nuts. The body and the mind must be treated with love and care through this period as we meditate on bliss and become bliss form. Having specific ayurvedic herbs that are wisely chosen during this period intensifies the rejuvenative energies of our body and mind. 

Liberate yourself- the single most crucial essence of yoga!

A primal age old need of any human of ages to now is that of wanting to be free. To be free really means, to be free of limits of the mind,body and realities. 
When anyone does yoga, the first experience is that of bliss and liberation. Any yoga asana done properly with awareness of breath does convey the experience of bliss like a drop of nectar. 
Liberation really means- freedom. This sense of freedom/liberation is in reality the  experience of being the yogi as the Spirit having the human experience- felt as bliss. Lord Siva is called Satchidananda- meaning Sat-truth, chit-consciousness, ananda-bliss. When we experience bliss and transform our life experience as bliss, as a yogi, we attain the body of bliss and the mind of turiya. Mahasivratri holds the condensed and intense experience of this bliss that liberates us. Doing the inner pilgrimage through Mahasivratri for a yogi is the attainment of the honey pot. 

Understanding ourselves as the Emperor through observance of Mahasivratri:

The difference between a slave and an emperor is- who owns time? We are all caught within the 24 hour clock of time within which we are tied into sleep, dream and awake states the mind, the mind in its moods of ups and downs when awake and life circumstances that makes us run the rat race. A yogi is liberated from this time clock. 
The first step to break this prison of time that holds our mind is- to light a lamp/candle/flame atleast once a day and connect to Source/God. 
The next important observance is to observe one day a week solely to connect to Source/God- a precious holiday we can give ourselves as being an emperor.
The third observance is to connect to the moon cycles of new moon (time to celebrate Lord Siva as Spirit) and the full moon (time to celebrate Lord Vishnu as the awake mind). 

The single most important moment through the year is Mahasivratri- when we take our inner pilgrimage to awaken to the I Am experience of Lord Siva as the timelessness, beyond the mind. This experience awakens us to be awake and sets us on a journey to enlightenment and beyond. 

Every once a week- our special day off for being a yogi, we relive the once a year Mahasivratri experience of being Light and expand our consciousness to be the Sun of the mind that has woken up the Spirit to enshrine our body- as an Emperor. It is from timelessness that time can be defined. 
Now as conscious beings of timelessness, let us define realities for ourselves and all of planet earth as time!

aum namah sivaya

For further guidance- sign up-

About Nandhi: Siddhar yogi Nandhi is a visionary, humanitarian, artist, ecstatic chant musician, mystic, author and teacher. Nandhi represents the wisdom of the liberated, the arising consciousness of humanity. 
Tapasyogi Nandhi:
The Declaration of Consciousness Movement:
World Yoga Day:
Compassion in Action: