So what happens when we save the life of
every old used/retired cow/oxen globally? We envision thousands of
biodynamic organic farm sanctuaries growing 'intelligent' non-GMO
indigenous food, feeding the hungry in scales that makes a
difference and setting into motion the most powerful collective
energies of compassion for all of humanity!
Your show of
support means everthing to us. Since our primary goal is to rescue
old animals that has served humanity- it is huge dharma that is
blessings of immense spiritual wealth.
$1 of your heart's
giving means your blessings and love! We appreciate whatever you are
able to give as your invaluable support.
For individuals/companies who
share our Vision by contributing $5,004, $10,004, $54,000 and above-
we commit a special gift of equity in Ariven Planet-
(Ariven Planet is a for-profit enterprise that will serve the Ariven
Vision by way of providing infrastructure of global distribution.
Ariven Planet will distribute bio-dynamic organic vegetarian farm
produce that is uniquely
indigenous and non-GMO. )
This donation you are making will be
one of the best heart's investments you will ever make. If you wish to talk email us-
Our first sanctuary project- Amma Sanctuary,
located in South India, Tamilnadu near the border of Tamilnadu is
coming into reality. This is a research and developement- where we
create free seeds, develop know-how, research on supermanure and
provide team effort to support other Ariven farms.
After being initiated through death, Tapasyogi Nandhi, undertook his spiritual journey through tapas and pilgrimage to attain his wholeness and come to understand a life of purpose. Nandhi spent the initial years in the spiritual wilderness of South India, in pilgrimages through forest shrines and caves, under the guidance of his Gurus and firm yogic resolve. In the next phase, he was guided by his Gurus to come to the West to teach the Siddhar consciousness and techniques in order to help raise the consciousness and enlightenment of humanity.
Nandhi's teachings represent the wisdom of the Masters/Gurus which has been passed on through an unbroken lineage of Siddhar Gurus for thousands of years. The Siddhars, the mystic yogis, are the enlightened Sages who journey beyond enlightenment. The Siddhars are the mystics of the 'other' spiritual India seldom known to the outside world.
Though their teachings have seldom been revealed to the outside world, throughout the ages some of the Siddhar teachings have been the source of yoga and the yogic wisdom to the mainstream traditional India. The Siddhars utilize yogic techniques to go beyond the limits of the body and mind.
Nandhi reveals the Siddhar practice as "the Mastery of Consciousness". Mastery of Consciousness imparts experiential teachings; with the core intent being to attain a life of freedom, purpose, inspiration, health and inner wisdom for practical living. He has condensed the esoteric wisdom into several programs that Westerners can relate to in practicality. The Siddhar's teachings of heart wisdom is easily incorporated into our daily yoga and/or spiritual practice.
Section A : Story behind Mastery of Consciousness.
Section B: 108 Nuggets of Life Transforming Yogic Wisdom accompanied by 108 Illumined pictures of the mystical Siddhar traditions.
This page is an example:-
Section C: Siddhar Yogic Insights into Consciousness- Articles
Table of Contents
Consciousness is a powerful solution.
Siddhars Sages and Consciousness
Mastery of Consciousness:– Understanding Consciousness as the
highest aspiration we could wish for ourselves.
Nine Jewels of Yoga
Siddhar Wisdom, the Tantiram- Know ‘yoga’ as in its potency to make
a change in our lives, as our realities and as blessings for humanity.
The Secrets within Yoga: Part I
The Secrets within Yoga: Part II
Be the Guru:Secrets within
Yoga – Awaken to understand ourselves as consciousness itself, the
Conquer Time: Emperor Empowerment! True freedom comes from awareness
that we are prisoners within the day and night of the 24 hour cycle, our
mind and our limitations. Break free!
Blessings of resonance:
Mantra Power
Turiya State of Super
Consciousness - as reflected by Ramana Maharishi and Mahatma Gandhi
Mahasivratri: The Night of
the Yogi/Yogini ~ Time vortex of enlightenment.
Lingam Puja: Multiply
Grace of Food: SIddhar Wisdom
– With awareness of energy, awaken to intensifying energies we put in
ourselves and the ability to multiply energy through food.
Yogic Insight on Ahimsa –
When awake in consciousness, it is natural to realize the Oneness of all
the living and forgo violence as in the Ahimsa principle. However, there
is also a contradiction to this Ahimsa principle!
A Wealth of Consciousness – Going back
through the history of India to trace consciousness as its nature, it is
revealing to understand history as proof of consciousness being abundant.
Prologue:Victory & Declaration of Consciousness
for humanity- Our moment in history of consciousness now is with us! Be a part
of this history in the making.
Section D: - Interview with Tapasyogi Nandhi
Nandhi answers these relevant questions of seekers:
Q. Is spirituality even relevant in our time? And, if so,
what would a person gain by becoming more spiritual
Q. Can an atheist who practices meditation gain realization?
Q .Are we entering into a new age of spirituality? Are we
making the transition into an age of more light?
Q. Was Jesus a yogi? What about Prophet Mohammed?
Q. Most religions teach that their path is the only true
path. What does Nandhi say about this?
Q. Why do people in India worship so many Gods and we have
so few Gods in the Western Tradition?
Q. Who is Lord Siva from a Siddhar perspective?
Q. Who is Lord Ganesh from a Siddhar perspective?
Q. What is the Siddhar definition of a "yogi?"
Q. What is meant by “Be the prophet?
Q. What is the role of sensuality in Siddhar philosophy -
are Siddhars celibate?
Q. What are the chakras and the significance of each?
Q. How do the Siddhars see Christ?
Q. What are states of consciousness?
Q. What is the significance of Lord Vishnu in Siddhar
Q. What is tantra and tantiram from the Siddhar perspective?
Q. What is the Siddhar concept of manifestation?
Q. What is meant by “genius?”
Q. Define “time” from a Siddhar perspective.
Q. Do Siddhars astral travel?
Q. Is there a particular breathing technique that the
Siddhars use to attain higher states of consciousness?
Q. What are angels from a Siddhar perspective?
Q. What is the significance of the six pointed star? ETC.