Saturday, May 31, 2014

Movement that shapes history!

Divine Beings, 

These are Moments for us to create history. Please take action.

The singular intent of all Sages of the past and present as blessings for humanity is - Consciousness. The Declaration of Consciousness Movement is the grace of us coming together to make Consciousness an absolute reality. The Declaration of Consciousness Movement is the evolution of the Declaration of Independence.

We have three questions for You:
1) Do you ever feel that the problems facing humanity are just so huge that the world situation seems hopeless?
2) Do you ever wish that all of us conscious people could unite to take positive action to solve the world's problems?
3) If there was a simple way to begin to make that change possible that costs only $1, would you want to do it?
We believe Yes We the People can! Consciousness is the Answer.

The Declaration of Consciousness Movement calls for a unified intent to address, create and implement solutions for these global issues through Technology, Team, Global collaborative strategies with grassroot activism. This campaign, we are raising funds to develop our Technology Platform.

The Declaration of Consciousness has a global mission to acquire 1 billion signatures from citizens of the earth with the intention to create a radical shift of consciousness on the planet based on the following guiding principles:
We The People of Earth Declare:
- Upholding Ahimsa / Non-Violence
- Empowerment & Equality for Women
- Freedom and Equality for All Humanity
- Protecting Our Children
- Honoring and Caring for Our Elders
- Inspiring of Independent Thinking
- Institutional Transformation
- Exploration of New Science and Technology
- Greening & Preserving Earth
- Universal Spiritual Freedom

The funds will help create the most advanced transformational technology to build global online platforms, our Be Consciousness App along with mobile hubs to access, nominate and award the most Conscious People, Ideas, Leaders, Enterprises, Entertainment and Media. Our online hub will be an active Conscious Social Media platform bringing conscious people together globally to create multi-generational change and transformation for all of humanity.

Jai Guruve Thunai

* Should you wish to join our core team-

Please Share! In gratitude.

#shaktifest,  #freedom#humanrights#womenrights,#consciousness#conscious#enlighten#enlightenment#awake,#planetearth#consciousleaders#Sustainability,#BringBackOurGirls,#Festival#healing#kirtan#mantra#tapasyoginandhi#arakara,#sacredmusic#AnimalRights , #peta#GlobalWarming #peace #love#sharing #athenastarseed, #democracy, #secular, #Oneness